Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chelsea Dagger

Ok since I made this new blog it's pissing me off that I couldn't get chapter-five instead or anything similar. Though I guess it could be construed (thank-you Chrome's spell checker) as a new volume instead. I usually make a new blog around about an epiphany or sorts. Also my speakers have finally died, so I don't have and music on to pick an appropriate title, going to have to hi-jack Kev's computer to sort that one out soon.

Life in general is fairly good. As always I can (and will) complain but overall I'm fairly happy. Complaints include massive bouts of self-doubt with this Ph.D but they come and go. Most of today I spent sitting thinking no idea what is going on... then at 4.30 I managed a really simple short calculation which really doesn't get me any closer to any goals but it was just enough to make me feel like I'm actually doing something.

Also I think this place is as good as any to clear up what people have apparently been saying about myself and Jo. I don't know who's said what but I've heard from a few people that it's been spoken about at least at some point and most of you seemed to have the wrong idea. Primarily I want to say, no I'm not leading her on whatsoever. A few people have said stuff along the line's that she really likes me where I'm pretty certain this is wrong. We spoke about it because people saying this to me forced me to bring it up with her on several occasions and again with Nat to confirm. Also a few people have been badmouthing her and the people who have been don't know her so I don't understand where that comes from. All that having been said now, I'm sticking to my resolution and not trying to jump into another relationship for the sake of it. But I still think she's hot :P

I've found this single life great for being able to go out and get wasted and do what I like without upsetting anybody but I must confess, I still hate the sitting around at night watching tv alone. And the no sex thing really sucks too.


  1. I'd assumed the "Volume Five" title was inspired by the comic-style volumes of Heroes, I quite like it as a title.

  2. Yeh it's definitely growing on me more. :)

    I need to decorate it a little more though
