Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No need to explain the plan

Seems about time to look back and reflect on how each of us have grown and changed in the past year or so. It's not like we ever notice ourselves aging but every now and again you think, "fuck where did those years go?".

(spent some time trying to decide if it should be ageing or aging, both look odd but both are correct. Any opinions here?)

So I started typing up whether or not I thought people had got where they wanted to be and if they seemed on track but then decided it was a little too judgemental because who am I to say what's on track etc. Though I do need to comment about the ever expanding, contracting and splitting "group" that was once so tight. We're certainly splitting up a whole lot quicker than before. There's the ones that are peeling away to spend more time with their respective partners and occupations and then there's the ones who are out boozing it up partaking in random craziness on a regular basis and there is also a bunch of us floating in between. Not that it isn't expected, I just find myself at somewhat of a junction. Where do I want to be?

I want a little from each side I think, so maybe I'll keep floating in the middle. I wish we had more decent weekend nights out though, so uni doesn't suffer, the fact that I'm blogging at uni is bad enough. I think we need some good solid nights out in a new atmosphere. Also I still really wish I could get outta home into my own place but I don't see that happening in a hurry these days.


  1. It's totally 'ageing'. 'Aging' might be some bastardised American spelling.
    Spell-check seems to indicate the americans think it's correct, but it also thinks 'bastardised' should have a z. Bah.

  2. Ageing indeed.

    I've been having similar thoughts over the past few days and have reached the conclusion that I got a little lost along the way -- I've avoided a "real job" so that I'm free for craziness, adventuring and generally experiencing life but hadn't really been actually doing it for quite a while -- it's time to get out there and see what crazy experiences the world has to offer!

  3. Yep ageing is the way we spell it. i'd prefer more weekend craziness too, weeknights are so hard lol, and will get harder once uni starts back el sigh.

  4. I like weekend craziness also. Although unfortunately other crap also gets in the way, like I have to help my dad move next weekend so not much craziness then, though I will go back down to torquay to pick up my surfboard bag which will hopefully help me with surfing-related craziness. I've decided I want to go surfing at phillip island, and specifically not go to a camp-ground, either sleep in my car or just on the beach.

  5. Lol complete beach bum cliche... surfing and sleeping on the beach :P

  6. Unfortunutly its the near impossible task of mixing work with play, currently im more at the work end of the scale, plus being so far away from you all the play bit is a bit hard.
    But I find if you have a long term plan and put goals into play you can you can at least try and have a happy balance.
    Although for those who do have some work to do it might mean putting the work side ahead of everything else till you can work out an even ground.
